Best Quality Products

Growing for a better tomorrow

Orion Fertilizers has a portfolio of straight fertilizers comprising of some of the most trusted brands among Pakistani farmers such as, Orion NP and Orion BOP which comprise of some of the most trusted brands among Pakistani farmers.​

Certified Organic

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Zinc , Potach , Potash Humate

Orion BOP

Bio Organic Phosphate

Orion NP

Nitrogen Phosphate

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WE GROW Orion Products

At EFERT, we believe in delivering the highest standards of quality hence our focus goes beyond the performance of brands to how our brands are impacting the lives of our consumers and enriching nutrient deficient lands. Our efforts are directed at increasing crop yields, addressing malnutrition and driving the nation’s food security agenda to meet the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger. Therefore, at EFERT we strive to combine innovation and quality with customer needs and expectations.

Orion Crop Sciences (SMC) Private Limited is proud to be the only organization in the local sector to offer fertilizers across all five major categories. The primary business segments of the company are:

  • Orion Crop
  • Specialty Fertilizers
  • Orion , ANN services include site specific fertilizer recommendations based on 4Rs principles (Right source, Right dose, Right time and Right method of application)

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